Automation and Digitisation: Keys to Ultimate Business Growth. Without effectively utilising these factors and pursuing a solid marketing and sales strategy to sustain themselves against competitors in the long run. Jousef Murad, the CEO of APEX Consulting, recognised this issue and dedicated himself to helping companies implement automated and digital marketing and sales strategies. In an interview, he shared how his modern growth strategy can help businesses scale their monthly revenue quickly.

To grow as a company today, you need more than just a good product or service. Digital visibility via social media and an optimised website alone can help a company stand out against competitors. However, while rivals succeed digitally, many businesses need help to make a start.

β€œDigital positioning is not easy. It requires technical know-how, effective marketing strategies, and sales methods to systematically convert inquiries into paying customers. Entrepreneurs with little online experience can quickly reach their limits. Social media strategies, specific automations, CRM systems, and an optimised website are all necessary to stay ahead of the competition. Without help, companies will soon fall behind their digitally positioned competitors,” warns Jousef Murad of APEX Consulting.

β€œWith strategic marketing concepts, established sales processes, and digital expertise, we help companies stand out in today's market.”

Jousef Murad has specialised in supporting experts, executives, agencies, and service providers in marketing and sales, particularly with the successful promotion of high-end offerings. β€œWith us, they can generate more leads in no time and drastically scale their monthly revenue,” reveals Jousef Murad. With APEX Consulting by their side, companies can achieve quick and long-term results through systematic approaches and automation that APEX Consulting provides, ensuring growth in a resource-efficient way.

APEX Consulting prioritises sustainable success and long-term client relationships. β€œWhen companies tackle digital marketing and sales on their own, it usually takes months or even years to find a good system, often making costly mistakes that burn through the budget,” explains Jousef Murad. β€œThrough us, they receive high-quality all-around advice and access to a specialized team that positions them as market experts, strengthens their brand, and optimizes internal processes.”

APEX helps companies significantly scale with modern marketing and sales strategies. What size companies do you typically work with?

I primarily target small- to medium-sized businesses, with a target population of 1-50 people. I prefer this size because processes at large companies can often be too slow for our work style. We want to integrate modern marketing and sales concepts and optimize existing processes, which is only possible if the client can quickly implement our ideas.

What is the overarching goal of the collaboration, Jousef Murad?

Omnipresence plays a significant role for us. We help businesses position themselves optimally on platforms like LinkedIn to build trust with potential customers. Our marketing tactics aim to be the first point of contact in customers’ minds while attracting talent without active recruiting.

What distinguishes your agency from others on the market? Why should entrepreneurs come to you specifically?

We stand out for our deep understanding of technology, marketing, and sales. My background in the tech sector, combined with a team that understands marketing and sales in detail, allows us to identify and solve technical challenges accurately.

We can also translate our expertise directly into other industries. At APEX Consulting, we work with lawyers and architects because the fundamental strategies are often similar. The specific tactics may vary based on the customer and audience.

Do you encounter prejudices from APEX Consulting clients, and if so, how do you dispel them?

Not much, really. Some entrepreneurs assume our young age means we need more experience to advise on marketing and sales. However, our age is why we excel in this field.

β€œBy staying at the forefront of technology trends and working with clients, we guide them into the future with the latest strategies.”

There are untrustworthy competitors in your industry. How can you identify them?

A lack of up-to-date knowledge is a clear sign. In a rapidly changing field like ours, up-to-date expertise is vital. It can save significant financial resources.

Missing customer references or stolen testimonials should also raise red flags. Serious businesses can always provide positive customer feedback. Furthermore, lack of transparency, unclear contracts, or unrealistic promises are warning signs. Poor communication and high costs relative to the service round out the bad offer. We at APEX Consulting distance ourselves from such competitors.

What is the collaboration process like with APEX Consulting?

Our onboarding process is simple and modern, so we can start quickly and achieve initial results. We emphasize close collaboration, offering weekly update calls in English or German and access to our expert team via messaging apps.

A special highlight is access to my business network, which provides our clients with additional resources. The team also has access to the APEX Learning Suite, a learning platform to deepen their knowledge. Initially, we focus on improving their digital positioning and communication and systematizing marketing and sales strategies.

Jousef Murad, do you have a customer example illustrating your collaboration's impact?

I am particularly proud of two customer results. Recently, we supported Matthias Bauer, CEO of NAVASTO, by analysing his business goals and creating an effective marketing strategy that exceeded his expectations. Our SEO measures and content marketing significantly increased NAVASTO’s visibility and customer inquiries.

We also had the pleasure of working with Yann Debray of MathWorks. As a product manager for MATLAB, an engineering programming platform, he benefited from our expertise and fresh ideas. Together, we explored use cases to highlight MATLAB's unique features, leading to many new customer inquiries quickly.

Where does your expertise come from? Could you share your background?

I studied mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and earned a bachelor's and a master's degree. During my studies, I worked for various large companies and startups, helping friends and colleagues sell their products and services. I gained experience in marketing and sales, from website building to implementing marketing and sales strategies.

Throughout my career, I noticed that even seemingly progressive companies often use outdated methods, which can ruin them despite high-quality offerings. Automation and AI are crucial in marketing. In December 2022, I established APEX Consulting to help businesses strengthen their visibility and compete effectively.

If you're an expert, freelancer, service provider or agency owner, do not hesitate to reach out via or directly on LinkedIn.