In the world of engineering, agility and efficiency are becoming paramount. This change is being driven by the need to keep up with rapid technological advancements, shorter product life cycles, and the increasing complexity of modern engineering projects. In the second episode of the "Connected Engineering" podcast, Tobias Wigand, a mechanical engineer with a rich background in the automotive industry and now a Customer Success Manager at Synera delves into these themes with his insights.

Tobias Wigand - Connected Engineering Podcast

The Traditional vs. Connected Engineering Approach

To begin with, there are stark differences between traditional sequential workflows and more optimised, agile processes. In the traditional approach, engineering tasks are often performed in a linear sequence, which can lead to delays and inefficiencies. Each phase of the project must be completed before the next one begins, resulting in a lack of flexibility and prolonged time to market.

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On the other hand, Connected Engineering promotes an agile methodology where various tasks are performed concurrently. This approach emphasizes the importance of instant feedback and iterative improvements, significantly reducing the time to market. By breaking down silos between departments, particularly between CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) teams, organizations can streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and boost innovation.

Challenges and Solutions in Adopting Connected Engineering

One of the major hurdles in shifting to a connected engineering approach is resistance to change. The key here is starting small and taking iterative steps to demonstrate the value of the new approach. By showcasing early successes, organisations can build trust and gradually overcome the inertia associated with established processes.

Synera has several success stories where implementing connected engineering led to significant time and cost savings. For instance, one company saw a dramatic reduction in the time required to transition designs from the CAD team to the CAE team, thanks to more integrated and collaborative tools. These improvements not only enhanced efficiency but also fostered a culture of continuous improvement.

Building Trust and Ensuring Smooth Transition

Transitioning to a new technological framework can be daunting, hence Synera's strategy of providing free onboarding support. This approach helps customers smoothly transition to the new system and achieve quick wins. The importance of user-friendly interfaces in software adoption cannot be overstated. If the tools are intuitive and easy to use, the adoption process becomes much more straightforward, reducing the learning curve and enhancing productivity.

Similar to lean production, connected engineering can drive efficiencies in the engineering domain. Lean production principles focus on minimising waste and maximising value, and a connected engineering approach can achieve these goals by fostering better communication, reducing redundancies, and enabling faster decision-making.

The Future of Connected Engineering

Looking ahead, we envision a future where connected engineering significantly enhances development processes, leading to faster time to market and better product-market fit. The key to this future lies in the seamless integration of different engineering disciplines and the continuous iteration between them. By identifying areas in their workflows where iterative collaboration is beneficial, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation.

Synera encourages engineers and organisations to embrace this new paradigm by examining their current workflows and identifying opportunities for improvement. This can be done by focusing on areas where feedback loops are crucial and exploring how a connected engineering approach could bring value. The potential benefits include not only cost savings but also the ability to respond more swiftly to market demands and technological advancements.

The potential of agile workflows is the highlight of future engineering processes. By adopting a connected engineering approach, organisations can overcome traditional workflow challenges, reduce time to market, and achieve significant cost savings. The journey towards this new paradigm involves building trust, taking iterative steps, and ensuring user-friendly tools that facilitate smooth transitions.

As we move forward, the principles of connected engineering will likely become integral to how we design, develop, and deliver products. By embracing these principles, engineers can drive innovation, enhance collaboration, and position their organisations for success in an increasingly competitive and fast-paced world.

The future of engineering is connected, and the time to start this change is now!